The drug is designed to improve the tone of veins of small caliber, improvement of lymphatic drainage and venous blood flow (not increases the tone of the arteries). Phlebodia 600 is used, for varicose veins to relieve the symptoms of lymphovenous insufficiency (swelling and heaviness in the legs, pain, venous dysfunction) and for the treatment of disorders of the microcirculation of the blood. The main active ingredient diosmin, is rapidly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and is evenly distributed among all the levels of the wall venous. Excreted in the urine, faeces and bile by 92.5% (the peak activity of the drug falls to the fifth hour after ingestion). The phlebodia can have for pregnant women (before you take phlebodia 600 with varicose veins, you should consult with your doctor), but not in the period of lactation, because the information about the penetration of the drug into breast milk is not.

The dose
For the treatment of chronic lymphovenous insufficiency, and also to combat the pain in the veins, heaviness in the legs a medication to take daily 1 tablet before Breakfast. The duration of treatment is always determined by the treating physician on the basis of the performed analyses. Usually the intake of phlebodia with varicose veins is carried out for two months, in serious cases, of up to four months. To skip one or two doses of the drug continued taking it and the dose do not change.
Particularly effective drug for the initial manifestations of the venous insufficiency in combination with caffeine (ointment varicose veins) and compression hosiery. The effect of the acceptance comes to the end of the first week of treatment. Pain in the legs, swelling and heaviness gradually reduced, spider veins on the skin are absorbed and be more rare, and the General state of the veins improves.